- 3DO Rating
- E - Everyone
- 12 - Guidance for 12 & under
- 17 - Guidance for 17 & under
- AO - Adults Only
- Apple Rating
- 4+
- 9+
- 12+
- 17+
- BBFC Rating (UK)
- U - Universal
- PG - Parental Guidance
- 12
- 15
- 18
- CCE (IGAC) Rating (Portugal)
- M/4
- M/6
- M/12
- M/16
- M/18
- CERO / EOCS Rating (Japan)
- Old CERO Rating (discontinued March 1st, 2006)
- All
- 12+
- 15+
- 18+
- New CERO Rating
- A - All Ages
- B - 12+
- C - 15+
- D - 17+
- Z - 18+
- CERO Content Descriptors
- Romance
- Sexuality
- Violence
- Fright
- Drinking & Smoking
- Gambling
- Crime
- Drugs
- Language
- EOCS Rating (for adult-oriented titles)
- R - 15+
- 18
- Old CERO Rating (discontinued March 1st, 2006)
- Nova Classificação Indicativa (DEJUS) (Brazil from August 2006 on)
- DEJUS Rating
- L - Livre (General Audience)
- 10
- 12
- 14
- 16
- 18
- DEJUS Content Descriptors
- Violência (Violence)
- Violência Extrema (Extreme Violence)
- Conteúdo Sexual (Sexual Content)
- Nudez (Nudity)
- Sexo (Sex)
- Sexo Explícito (Explicit Sex)
- Drogas (Drugs)
- Drogas Lícitas (Legal Drugs)
- Drogas Ilícitas (Illegal Drugs)
- Linguagem Imprópria (Inappropriate Language)
- Atos Criminosos (Criminal Acts)
- Conteúdo Impactante (Impacting Content)
- DEJUS Rating
- Classificação Indicativa (DJCTQ) (Brazil until July 2006)
- L - Livre (General Audience)
- 12
- 14
- 16
- 18
- ELSPA Rating (UK until 2003)
- 3-10
- 11-14
- 15-17
- 18+
- ESRB Rating (North America)
- ESRB Ratings
- EC - Early Childhood
- E - Everyone
- E 10+ - Everyone 10+
- T - Teen
- M - Mature 17+
- AO - Adults Only
- ESRB Content Descriptors
- Alcohol Reference
- Animated Blood
- Blood
- Blood and Gore
- Cartoon Violence
- Comic Mischief
- Crude Humor
- Drug Reference
- Fantasy Violence
- Intense Violence
- Language
- Lyrics
- Mature Humor
- Nudity
- Partial Nudity
- Real Gambling
- Sexual Content
- Sexual Themes
- Sexual Violence
- Simulated Gambling
- Strong Language
- Strong Lyrics
- Strong Sexual Content
- Suggestive Themes
- Tobacco Reference
- Use of Alcohol
- Use of Drugs
- Use of Tobacco
- Violence
- Violent References
- ESRB Interactive Elements
- Shares Info
- Shares Location
- Users Interact
- Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB
- Music Downloads Not Rated by the ESRB
- ESRB Ratings
- KMRB Rating (South Korea until October 2006)
- All
- 12-year+
- 15-year+
- Teenager restricted
- Restricted
- GRB Rating (South Korea from November 2006 on)
- GRB Ratings
- All
- 12+
- 15+
- 18+
- GRB Content Descriptors
- Sexuality
- Violence
- Fear / Horror / Threatening
- Language
- Alcohol / Tobacco / Drug
- Crime / Anti-societal / Anti-governmental messages
- Gambling / Betting
- GRB Ratings
- OFLC (Australia) Rating
- G - General
- PG - Parental Guidance
- M - Mature
- MA 15+ - Mature Accompanied
- R 18+ - Restricted
- OFLC (New Zealand) Rating
- G - General Audience
- PG - Parental Guidance
- M - Mature Audience
- Restricted13
- Restricted15
- Restricted16
- Restricted18
- R - Special Restriction
- PEGI Rating (Europe / Canada / Israel)
- Age ratings
- 3
- 7
- 12
- 16
- 18
- Content descriptors
- Bad Language
- Discrimination
- Drugs
- Fear
- Gambling
- Sex
- Violence
- Online gameplay
- Age ratings
- RSAC Rating (USA from 1994 till 1999)
- All
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
- SEGA Rating (Japan from 1994 till 2000)
- 推奨年齢 全年齢 / Suitable for All Ages
- 推奨年齢 年齢制限 18才以上 / Unsuitable for People Under 18
- 成人用 18才未満お断り / Suitable Only for Adults - Unsuitable for People Under 18
- 推奨年齢 MA-18 / Suitable Only for Adults - Mature
- X指定 18才以上 / Unsuitable for People Under 18 - X Rated
- SELL Rating (France from 1999 till 2003)
- TP - tous publics (all audiences)
- 12 - 12 ans et plus (12 years and over)
- 16 - 16 ans et plus (16 years and over)
- 18 - interdit aux moins de 18 ans (restricted under 18 years)
- USK Rating (Germany)
- 0 - ohne Altersbeschränkung (no age restriction)
- 6
- 12
- 16
- 18 - keine Jugendfreigabe (no approval for people under 18)
- keine Kennzeichnung (rating refused)
- VET/SFB Rating (Finland)
- 3
- 7
- 11
- 15
- 18
- S/T
- VRC Rating (USA from 1993 till 1994)
- GA - General Audiences
- MA13 - Mature Audiences: Parental Discretion Advised
- MA17 - Mature Audiences: Not appropriate for minors
- aDeSe Rating (Spain)
- 13+
- 16+
- 18+
- TP
- GSRR (Taiwan)
- G - General Audience
- P - Protected (6+)
- PG12 - Parental Guidance 12
- PG15 - Parental Guidance 15
- R - Restricted
- ESRA (Iran)
- 3+
- 7+
- 12+
- 15+
- 18+
- MDA (Singapore)
- Suitable for 16 & above
- M18 - Mature 18
- NAR - Not Allowed for All Rating
- FPB (South Africa)
- FPB Ratings
- A - All Ages
- PG - Parental Guidance
- 7-9 PG
- 10
- 10-12 PG
- 13
- 16
- 18
- X18 - Adult Business
- XX - Restricted
- FPB Content Descriptors
- B - Blasphemy
- D - Drug and Alcohol Abuse
- H - Horror
- L - Bad Language
- N - Nudity
- P - Prejudice
- S - Sexual Conduct or Sexual Activity
- SV - Sexual Violence
- V - Violence
- FPB Ratings
- IFCO (Ireland)
- G - General Audience
- PG - Parental Guidance
- 12
- 15
- 18
- Kijkwijzer (Netherlands)
- Kijkwijzer Ratings
- AL - Alle Leeftijden (Generak Audience)
- 6
- 9
- 12
- 16
- Kijkwijzer Content Descriptors
- Violence
- Fear
- Sex
- Discrimination
- Drugs and Alcohol Abuse
- Coarse Language
- Kijkwijzer Ratings
- TIGRS (Independent)
- Family Friendly
- Teen Content
- Adult Content
Content Comparison