gene / Sebastian Eichholz

gene / Sebastian Eichholz


gene / Sebastian Eichholz is the inventor, developer and operator of Kultpower.de.
He is one of the founders of Oregami.org and the main developer.

Personal information

I was born in 1976 in Münster, Germany. To be honest, nearly my whole life took place in Münster (and still is): kindergarten, school, university, work. I studied "information systems" (German: Wirtschaftsinformatik), today I am software developer at an insurence company - sounds odd, but in fact is fun. We're doing Java, but I deal with the whole software development lifecycle which also includes requirements engineering, data models and persistence of all data. I am married since 2004, we have two children.

Computer- und Videogames-History

My first contect to games was with the Atari VCS 2600 (H.E.R.O, Pitfall, PacMan). Played a lot C64 games with some mates (Test Drive, Maniac Mansion, Last Ninja and so on). When I got my first own Amiga 500, I got to the real classic Amiga games: Lotus Turbo challenge, Settlers, Chaos Engine and many more. Later I expanded to an Amiga 1200 with PPC-card and gfx-board. I also bought a Lynx from Atari, a great console but not with the coolest games. So I also got a Game Boy, sometimes later a Sega Mega Drive and a Super Nintendo. For monts I tried to improve my Super Mario Kart time trials records... I see myself also as a rather good Bomberman/Dynablaster player.

Today I do not have the time to play games a lot.


I think I can help with the data model for games, also with the real software development. For nearly a full year I have been looking for the best software architecture. The result is a hexagonal architecture.

As a co-founder of Oregami it is natural that I help organizing things as well. Ah, and I am the operator of the oregami server (web page, forums, wiki, jira, demo site), which is now Ubuntu server 12 LTS.


Mail: sebastian[at]oregami.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/sebeichholz, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sebastian.eichholz

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