Java workspace with Eclipse
Java workspace with Eclipse
- install Git on your computer (Tutorial@git-scm.com, Tutorial@github)
- configure git for github, see
https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-gitgit config --global user.name "Your Name Here"
git config --global user.email "Your mail here"
- install Java SDK on your computer (Java 1.6 tested)
- install Eclipse JEE (tested Versions: "Indigo 3.7", "Juno 4.2")
Get the source code, etc:
- at Github make a fork of the oregami repo
- clone your fork git repository with this command line:
git clone https://github.com/yourgitusername/oregami-dropwizard-angularjs.git oregami-fork
- now the folder "oregami-fork" contains a complete clone of our code repository
Alternative approach for the Github setup when using Windows:
- download the Windows client and do the basic configuration (e.g. base directory for the local repositories)
- log into the Github web page, search for the "oregami" repository and choose "oregami/oregami-dropwizard-angularjs"
- create a fork via the "Fork" button and download your clone of the repository to your local hard drive by clicking "Clone in Windows" (this dynamically opens your Github Windows client)
Get the project up and running:
- thanks to Dropwizard you just need to start a Java class with main method:
"org.oregami.dropwizard.OregamiService" and pass the parameters "server oregami.yml" to it. - Open your web browser and enter these urls:
http://localhost:8080/games - Our REST web app is now running and you are ready for development!
I also suggest you use some kind of "Git client" to see which files are changed/staged and to compare files.
Here are some tool suggestions:
- GitX (OS X, GPL)
- SmartGit (Windows/OSX/Linux, Free for non-commercial use)
- SourceTree (Windows/OS X)
There is also a Git plugin for Eclipse called EGit, but I prefer using Git on the command line and GitX or something similar outside of Eclipse.
If you would really like to get into development, take a look at how to use branches for feature development.
, multiple selections available,