HowTo: Start developing (REST Server)

HowTo: Start developing (REST Server)


  • install Git on your computer (Tutorial@git-scm.com, Tutorial@github)
  • configure git for github, see

    git config --global user.name "Your Name Here"
    git config --global user.email "Your mail here"
  • install Java SDK on your computer (Java 1.6 tested)
  • install Eclipse JEE (tested Versions: "Indigo 3.7", "Juno 4.2") 
  • alternatively use IntelliJ IDEA, Oregami has on open source license key for it

Source code

Development tools

I also suggest you use some kind of "Git client" to see which files are changed/staged and to compare files.
Here are some tool suggestions:

There is also a Git plugin for Eclipse called EGit, but I prefer using Git on the command line and GitX or something similar outside of Eclipse.