Mz per X / Jens Mildner

Mz per X / Jens Mildner

MZ per X is called Jens Mildner in the real world, and is a data junkie who is severely disappointed by the current state of video game documentation in the Internet.

Personal Information

I was born in the year of 1977 in Leipzig / Germany, and live and work here up until now. After passing German secondary school with the general qualification for university entrance I didn't start study, but learned the wonderful job of a tax consultiant assistant. Potential studying ambitions were stopped by the arrival of my first of three kids in the year 2000, I earned my money by tax consulting since then, having developed into a hard-boiled specialist for German corporations and payroll accounting. Furthermore, I wrestled with quite some German non-profits over the years, in professional as well as in private life, and developed expertise in this area, too.

Computer and video games history

I started gaming in the mid 80s when my father brought home a KC 85/2 over Christmas. He was working at the Alma Mater Lipsiensis at that time, and if I remember correctly the staff had to take the computers home over the holidays because otherwise the machines would've catched a cold in the unheated data center of the university. :o) However, on this GDR computer I could play some simple BASIC games that my old man had written himself. Even playing these simple home-brewed games, I felt the magic behind electronic gaming.

My first commercial game came with Fort Apocalypse on a friend's C64. When my parents finally bought me an Amiga 500, I played everything I could get my hands on. Among these many games was a strange one which was somehow different than all these shooters and jump 'n runs. It was called Dungeon Master, and it was difficult, yet interesting, but I never got far playing it. Back then, I didn't realize that games of this kind should later become my obsession. Eye of the Beholder, Wizardry VII, Might and Magic's World of Xeen sucked me into the genre, and I never lost interest in RPG's since then.

Today, I mostly play on Windows and through a browser, but from time to time I lock myself away with a Nintendo DS of my kids, too.


As co-founder of Oregami I am part of the organisational core team, so I see myself in the responsibility to give a hand on every corner where I can help and where help is needed. Furthermore, I have a strong vision about how an ultimate gaming database should look like and how it's all gonna be. That's why I'm steadily trying to inject this vision into the other project members. (smile)

Due to the fact that I created, programmed and maintained my own Internet database about role-playing games in the time frame of 2001/2002, I have some sort of layman's experience with these things. Besides, I've been an enthusiastic contributor to MobyGames for years, and thought and learned a lot about their data model in this time.

Thus, I will mainly contribute to the data modelling of Oregami, its contribution processes, and general administration. For professional reasons, I will take the lead when it comes to founding and running the non-profit organisation that shall be the legal base of Oregami. I will participate in discussing other legal aspects of the database, too.

When it comes to technology and programming, I will (have to) hold myself back.


You can reach me using jens@mildner-web.de .