User Management
User Management
This document lists all the requirements for the topic "User Management".
Registration process
- visit URL for register as a new user
- enter all required fields and submit registration form
- server sends an email to the given adress with confirmation link
- user opens URL from mail and thereby validates the new account
- from now on the user can log in with his user name and password
Details about the registration form
- Username (must not exist)
- E-Mail adress (double)
- password (double)
User Profile in detail
- Avatar picture
- User gravatar? (www.gravatar.com)
- URL of homepage
- Signature for comments
- lost password page: enter username and/or mail adress, server sends mail to adress with confirmation link.
On the confirmation site, the user can enter a new password (twice) - login site: enter username and password. Checkbox with "remember me".
- logout link on every page.
, multiple selections available,