Data List 28 - Regions

Data List 28 - Regions

This document contains Regions in a hierarchical approach.

Sub-Levels of this hierarchy should be more detailed.

  1. Europe
    1. Eastern Europe
      1. Belarus
      2. Bulgaria
      3. Czech Republic
      4. Hungary
      5. Poland
      6. Moldova
      7. Romania
      8. Russia
      9. Slovakia
      10. Ukraine
    2. Northern Europe
      1. Denmark
      2. Estonia
      3. Finland
      4. Iceland
      5. Ireland
      6. Latvia
      7. Lithuania
      8. Norway
      9. Sweden
      10. United Kingdom
    3. Southern Europe
      1. Albania
      2. Andorra
      3. Bosnia and Herzegovina
      4. Croatia
      5. Greece
      6. Italy
      7. Malta
      8. Montenegro
      9. Portugal
      10. San Marino
      11. Serbia
      12. Slovenia
      13. Spain
      14. Macedonia
    4. Western Europe
      1. Belgium
      2. France
      3. German speaking countries
        1. Austria
        2. Germany
        3. Liechtenstein
        4. Switzerland
      4. Luxembourg
      5. Monaco
      6. Netherlands
  2. North America
    1. United States
    2. Canada

  3. South America

  4. Africa

  5. Asia

  6. Australia